E352: The 5 Most Asked Questions by EcomCrew Premium Members, Answered

Our EcomCrew family is growing year after year, and we’ve been welcoming new members since we first launched. However, despite the unique individuals who join the community, we’ve been noticing some questions that are constantly recurring be it in our exclusive Facebook group, in the emails, or during our monthly webinars.

So Dave and I decided to pool together the top 5 questions that our Premium members are asking and answer them on this podcast. You might be having the same queries yourself, so this is a great episode for you to finally get the answers!


  • The silver lining of the pandemic for me – 4:50
  • Question 1: Should your blog content be on a standalone domain or should you have it on your e-commerce website? – 9:25
  • The advantages of having a standalone blog – 10:51
  • Question 2: When should you group your products together? – 13:37
  • How eliminating some of my products helped my conversion rates – 15:52
  • The effect of launching a variation of a successful product – 20:20
  • Question 3: When should you open a second Amazon account? – 21:40
  • The advantages and disadvantages of making a separate Amazon account for different brands – 24:10
  • Question 4: What type of URLs do you use when sending traffic to Amazon? – 29:48
  • Question 5: When should you stop optimizing your Amazon listings and work on another product? – 36:20
  • What I did when our competitors started copying our listings – 39:00
  • Our plans for EcomCrew in 2021 – 42:20

Aside from these five questions, a lot more are being answered within our EcomCrew Premium community.

If you want to be a part of the team for free and join us on our exclusive webinars, you can tell us what your favorite Amazon software is so you can get the chance to win an EcomCrew annual subscription! If you’re already a member, we’ll extend your membership for another year.

All you need to do is answer four quick questions, and you can be the lucky winner.

We hope you enjoyed this episode, and if you did, don’t forget to leave us a review on iTunes. It helps this podcast a lot, and we’d really appreciate it if you do.

Until the next episode!

Happy selling!

Michael Jackness

Michael started his first business when he was 18 and is a serial entrepreneur. He got his start in the online world way back in 2004 as an affiliate marketer. From there he grew as an SEO expert and has transitioned into ecommerce, running several sites that bring in a total of 7-figures of revenue each year.

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