E348: 4 Amazon Advertising Methods and How Much You Should Spend on Them

Welcome to Episode 348 of the EcomCrew Podcast! It’s Dave here! I’m taking over the podcast recording today to share with you some advertising methods you can use after the busy season is over.

I know you’re still tired with all the preparations for Black Friday and Cyber Monday, and it’s not the best time to experiment with your ad campaigns. But after the dust has settled, you might want to try out these methods to see how they work for you.

Over the years, we’ve seen improvements in Amazon ads, but they are getting more complex and more expensive. So aside from knowing which method to use, you should also know how much you should be spending on them.


  • Amazon changes that affect advertising costs and methods – 2:20
  • Pages that Amazon advertises on – 3:50
  • The new default metric on Amazon ads – 5:05
  • Method #1: Sponsored Brands Videos
  • The need to invest in high-quality video ads – 9:40
  • How much to spend on Sponsored Brands Videos – 10:15
  • Method #2: Sponsored Display ads (Product Targeting) – 11:43
  • Method #3: Sponsored Display ads (Views Remarketing) – 14:55
  • The problems with Views Remarketing – 16:34
  • How much you should spend on Views Remarketing – 19:20
  • Method #4: Ads on NARF listings – 20:43

If you want to know more about these methods, check out the article I wrote. It goes into much more detail about each ad option.

If you have any ecommerce-related questions you’re dying to ask us, you can do so live on December 1 at 10 AM (PST). This webinar is usually for Premium members only, but we’re offering it to you for free as we reopen EcomCrew Premium one last time in 2020.

Also, please take time to leave us a review over on iTunes if you like this episode or the podcast in general.

Happy selling!

Dave Bryant

Dave Bryant has been importing from China for over 10 years and has started numerous product brands. He sold his multi-million dollar ecommerce business in 2016 and create another 7-figure business within 18 months. He's also a former Amazon warehouse employee of one week.

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