E549: How To Get Started in Building Your SEO in 2024

Jeff Oxford joins us on the podcast today to talk about the most recent Google Update, who the winners were, and how search is going to look like with AI in the horizon.

Jeff Oxford is the Founder and SEO Director of 180 Marketing, a marketing agency that specialises in SEO strategies which cover everything from keyword research to webpage optimization.

Today, he's on the podcast to talk about the most recent Google update that happened in March. Specifically, we'll dive into the criteria that Google uses to rank websites, the winners of the most recent update, and why brand metrics plays an important role in search. 

The big takeaway here is that no matter what, keep playing the long game. When it comes to content, it's only a matter of time until your content starts making its way through the algorithm and to the audience that you're targeting. 

It really is just a matter of time. It might be an overnight viral success, or it might be a crawl towards the goal, but it's a matter of when it happens instead. 


  • Podcast Start – 0:00
  • Catching up with Jeff – 0:31
  • Google's March Core Update – 2:14 
  • Why Mike was excited for this update – 4:30 
  • Playing the long term game – 6:03
  • Google's update patterns – 7:40
  • Mike Jackness History Lesson – 9:31 
  • How Google finds cheaters – 12:23 
  • Why Reddit and Quora won the last update – 14:43 
  • Why Brand Metrics matter for SEO – 15:58
  • How do you get started in building your SEO? – 18:13 
  • Stick with it! – 20:31 
  • What is Search going to look like moving forward? – 22:38
  • How will Google incentivise making good content with AI in the future? – 28:11
  • Learn more about Jeff Oxford – 30:39

Jeff, thanks for coming on the podcast! It was nice seeing you again, although through a virtual screen instead of in person but we'll take what we can get! 

If any listeners would like to have a discussion about this, let me know by emailing us directly at support@ecomcrew.com

Also, if you have any questions or any topics you’d like us to discuss on the podcast, you can email us directly as well! We would really appreciate it if you would leave us a review on iTunes

Thanks for listening!

Michael Jackness

Michael started his first business when he was 18 and is a serial entrepreneur. He got his start in the online world way back in 2004 as an affiliate marketer. From there he grew as an SEO expert and has transitioned into ecommerce, running several sites that bring in a total of 7-figures of revenue each year.

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