The $15M Business Podcast Sale

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If you’ve been in the e-commerce business for a while, you’ve probably heard about the Entrepreneurs on Fire Podcast, or more popularly known as the EOFire Podcast. It’s rumored to be for sale for $15 million right now.

Are you covered by this deactivation threat?


The Easy Way to Find Reliable Suppliers

It doesn’t matter what country you source your products from. Their quality and promptness of delivery highly depends on your supplier.

Wouldn’t it be convenient to have a database that contains a list of vetted suppliers? How about one that lets you see where your top competitors are sourcing their products from?

You can, with Jungle Scout.


Shopify Sells Logistics to Flexport

Shopify has recently concluded the sale of most of its Shopify Logistics business to the global freight-forwarding company Flexport. In exchange, Shopify now owns 13% of Flexport’s equity interest.

containers on a shipping dock

Dave Clark, Amazon’s former CEO of Worldwide Consumer and Flexport’s current CEO, announced the acquisition plan last month. The deal involves the assets of Deliverr, which was acquired by Shopify only in July 2022.

According to Clark’s announcement, this acquisition will allow them to modernize the supply chain and “level the playing field for small businesses.”

The company was founded in 2013 by Ryan Petersen and Susanne Schöneberg.

Patent Trolls

The Flexport deal isn’t the only thing keeping Shopify busy.

The company has recently filed a motion in a Texas court, seeking to compel the disclosure of the identities of those involved in what Shopify calls “patent trolls.”

patent stamp on document

These alleged patent trolls file hundreds of patent litigations every year, causing small businesses to lower their allocations for research and development and effectively deters them from innovating.

In a blog post, Jess Hertz, Shopify’s General Counsel, identified the organizations responsible for these “patent trolls,” namely US Innovation Fund, IP Edge, and Acacia Research. However, the real people behind these groups are able to hide their identities, which makes it that much easier for them to get away with these patent litigation cases.

Most of these cases are ultimately abandoned after these small businesses settle, providing the trolls a “quick payout.”


TikTok commerce. The social media app is optimistic about its e-commerce growth in 2023. It’s aiming for $20 billion.

False AI claims? It seems like every tech company is developing its own AI integrations these days. But the FTC warns about overhyping their features.

Amazon’s 10th year in India. In celebration of it’s 10th year anniversary, Amazon cut seller fees by 10% on June 5. Here’s the company’s message.

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